Staatstheater Nürnberg

Awards and nominations

Congratulations to our artists for the prizes, nominations and festival invitations they have received!

Bayerischer Verdienstorden for Goyo Montero

Minister-President Dr Markus Söder awarded the Bayerischer Verdienstorden (Bavarian Order of Merit) to Goyo Montero, Lead Choreographer and Ballet Director at the Staatstheater Nürnberg. “We thank Goyo Montero for his excellent artistic contributions, his dedication, and his passion that made the Staatsballett Nürnberg into an outstanding institution in the world of ballet,” reads the laudation.

“Receiving the Bayerischer Verdienstorden from Minister-President Dr Markus Söder once again cements my connection to Bavaria and my artistic home of Nuremberg, to which I owe so much in my life and career,” says award winner Goyo Montero about his award. “This award is further wonderful evidence of the appreciation that I and my work enjoy here. I will always be immensely grateful for this recognition.”

"Years with Martha" invited to the 39th Bavarian Theatre Days 2024

This work, based on the novel by Martin Kordić and staged by Julia Hölscher, premiered in the Kammerspiele of the Nürnberg Schauspielhaus on 3 October 2023. The drama has now been invited to the 39th Bavarian Theatre Days 2024 in Ingolstadt.

"Years with Martha" can still be seen at the Kammerspiele until July 2024.

Joana Mallwitz named "Honorary Conductor of the Staatsphilharmonie Nürnberg"

The Staatstheater Nürnberg and Staatsphilharmonie Nürnberg held a festive matinee on 21 April 2024, where they awarded the title of "Honorary Conductor" to Joana Mallwitz. This was a first in the orchestra’s rich, 100-year history of tradition – and it was the orchestra that took the initiative to distinguish Joana Mallwitz for "her outstanding achievements and work" as General Musical Director at the Staatstheater Nürnberg from 2018 to 2023.

"Her creative and innovative approaches, as well as her exemplary dedication to musical education, raised the Staatsphilharmonie Nürnberg to a new artistic level and shaped it forever," according to the statement issued by the orchestra. Among other achievements, Mallwitz worked with the Junge Staatsphilharmonie to establish a Youth Orchestra at the Staatstheater Nürnberg. "Joana Mallwitz has the rather uncommon gift of leading people through difficult times when everybody has to work hard," says State Intendant Jens-Daniel Herzog. "It was with this gift that she inspired, drove and motivated the Staatstheater Nürnberg for five years."

joana Mallwitz Ehrendirigentin

“ÜBERGEWICHT, unwichtig: UNFORM” invited to Berlin Theatertreffen

The Theatertreffen jury has announced its shortlist of ten outstanding productions from 2024 that have been nominated for the 61st edition of the festival. This is the first time that a drama production from the Staatstheater Nürnberg has been nominated. The Theatertreffen will take place from 2 – 4 May 2024.

Rieke Süßkow’s production of “ÜBERGEWICHT, unwichtig: UNFORM” was rated as “outstanding” by the Theatertreffen jury, which stated further: “Director Rieke Süßkow has got the measure of Werner Schwab’s ‘faecal drama’ from 1991 and caught its juvenile, giggly obscenity perfectly. Süßkow’s stringent approach to the material still leaves room for surprising details at every turn.”

ÜBERGEWICHT, unwichtig: UNFORM” runs until July 2024 in the Schauspielhaus.


The 17th edition of the nachtkritik-Theatertreffen is underway. Correspondents and editors have submitted their suggestions for the most significant productions of the last 12 months. Nominated works include Werner Schwab’s “ÜBERGEWICHT, unwichtig: UNFORM”, Rieke Süßkow’s production of which premiered on 6 October 2023 in the Schauspielhaus of the Staatstheater Nürnberg.

ÜBERGEWICHT, unwichtig: UNFORM” runs until July 2024 in the Schauspielhaus.

“Ave Joost” – Hebbel Prize 2024 for Caren Jeß

Playwright Caren Jeß is to receive the 2024 Hebbel Prize, as announced by the Friedrich Hebbel Foundation. Her latest work, “Ave Joost”, receives its world premiere on 14.03.2024 in the STAATSTHEATER NÜRNBERG SCHAUSPIEL (Kammerspiele).

The Hebbel Prize, together with a cheque for €5,000, is awarded biennially and is Schleswig-Holstein’s oldest prize in the literature genre. Caren Erdmuth Jeß was born in Eckernförde in 1985 and studied German Philology and German Literature in Freiburg im Breisgau and Berlin. Her work “Bookpink” (2018) was staged at the Mülheimer Drama Festival, where she also won the Mülheim Drama Award for her monologue “Die Katze Eleonore”.

Bavarian Art Award 2023 (Bayerischen Kunstförderpreis) for Edward Nunes

Edward Nunes, a permanent member of the Staatstheater Nürnberg Ballett since 2019, has been awarded the Bavarian Art Award 2023 (Bayerischen Kunstförderpreis) in the "Dance" category. Arts Minister Markus Blume honoured the dancer at the award ceremony on 27 November. "Edward Nunes is an accomplished, experienced and technically brilliant dancer. Equipped with a fine musical intuition, he is always able to realise the development of a stage character with both dance and acting precision," was the jury's statement.

Staatstheater Nürnberg awarded the Deutsche Bühne prize for ‘All-round Achievement’ in the 2022/23 season

In Deutsche Bühne’s survey of critics for the 2022/23 season the Staatstheater Nürnberg has been voted overall winner. 54 writers from across Germany, Austria and Switzerland took part in the survey and, from a shortlist of three venues, voted the Staatstheater Nürnberg as “Großes Haus” for all-round achievement. Drama critic Christian Muggenthaler described the Nuremberg institution as a “tanker that does not deviate from its path – quality, quality, quality – in uncharted waters. Voyages of discovery guaranteed.”
In a further accolade, the cross-genre work „vendetta vendetta“ took 1st prize in the newly created “Crossover” category. Commenting on the production by Schauspiel director Jan Philipp Gloger, critic Florian Welle wrote: “A collaborative joy radiated from all the people involved. Give us more!”

Goyo Montero awarded “Pro meritis” prize by Bavarian State Ministry of Science and the Arts

Goyo Montero, for the last 15 years Director of Ballet and Principal Choreographer at the Staatstheater Nürnberg, has been awarded the “PRO MERITIS SCIENTIAE ET LITTERARUM” prize by the Bavarian State Ministry of Science and the Arts. The presentation took place on 4th July in Munich’s Haus der Kunst. Minister of State Markus Blume paid tribute to Montero’s outstanding achievements in the service of the arts in Bavaria: “Thanks to you, Nuremberg and its surrounding area is now a veritable dance metropolis. Your work is an unbroken string of tales narrated, emotions danced and boundaries pushed. You are a bundle of creative energy that radiates far beyond the confines of Franken.”

Theatre Prize from the Drama Support Association of the Staatstheater Nürnberg goes to Julia Bartolome, Annette Büschelberger and Yascha Finn Nolting

The Theaterpreis is awarded biennially and this year goes to Ensemble actors Julia Bartolome, Annette Büschelberger and Yascha Finn Nolting for outstanding artistic achievement.

A jury made up of the steering committee of the Support Association, Bernd Noack (drama critic for Theater Heute, for many years a member of the jury of the Berliner Theatertreffen) and Senior Dramaturg Brigitte Ostermann voted unanimously to honour the three recipients, who will share the €6,000 prize money. The award ceremony will be held in the Schauspielhaus at 9pm on 30th June 2023.

Order of the Bavarian Constitution for Joana Mallwitz

Joana Mallwitz, General Music Director at the Staatstheater Nürnberg was awarded the Order of the Bavarian Constitution on Thursday 16th March. Presenting the Order in Munich’s Maximilianeum, Ilse Aigner, President of the Bavarian Landtag, paid tribute to Mallwitz as a conductor of exceptional quality: “You are acclaimed by critics and audiences in equal measure. Through your work you have made an outstanding contribution to art and culture not only in Bavaria but much further afield, too. You are an inspiration.”

Among her other assignments this season at the Staatstheater Nürnberg Joana Mallwitz will conduct “Le nozze di Figaro (The Marriage of Figaro)”, which will premiere on 15th April. She will also conduct the 5th and 6th Philharmonic Concert in the Meistersingerhalle (31.03. & 28.04.) before bidding farewell to her Nuremberg audience on 30th July at the Klassik Open Air in the Luitpoldhain.

The President of the Bavarian Landtag awards the Order of the Bavarian Constitution to citizens in recognition of outstanding achievement in the service of the principles of the Bavarian Constitution. The Order is one of the rarest medals to be awarded in Bavaria.

“Magda Toffler. Versuch über das Schweigen (DE)” to be performed at Impulse Theater Festival 2023

“Magda Toffler. An experiment in silence (DE)”, a play by and with Boris Nikitin, which premiered on 11th November 2022 in the Kammerspiele of the Nuremberg Schauspielhaus, will be performed at the Impulse Theater Festival 2023. The festival will be held from 8th to 18th June in Düsseldorf, Cologne and Mülheim an der Ruhr.

Another performance of “Magda Toffler. An experiment in silence (DE)” will take place on 27th April 2023 in the Kammerspiele.

“The Nibelungs” among the nominations at the 2023 nachtkritik drama forum

The 16th nachtkritik-Theatertreffen is open. The forum’s correspondents and editors have submitted their favourite productions from the last twelve months to an open poll. The nominations include Armin Petras’s production of Friedrich Hebbel’s “The Nibelungs”, which premiered in the Nuremberg Schauspielhaus on 19th November 2022. Online voting here closes on 18th January 2023.

The Nibelungs” runs until July 2023 in the Schauspielhaus.

Bavarian Order of Merit for Adeline Schebesch

Kammerschauspielerin Adeline Schebesch was awarded the Bavarian Order of Merit on 13th October 2022. In the words of the laudation: “Adeline Schebesch is an actor and voiceover artist. She has been a member of the ensemble of the Nuremberg State Theatre for circa 25 years, earning popular and critical acclaim for numerous major performances, including her role as Johanna in Schiller’s ‘The Maid of Orleans’ and as Beatrice in Shakespeare’s ‘Much Ado About Nothing’.

“Pan’s Lab – A Trip Down the Digital Rabbit Hole” nominated for a 2022 DER FAUST German drama prize

Roman Senkl/Nils Corte/minus.eins stand to win a 2022 DER FAUST drama prize in the ‘Genre Buster’ category for “Pan’s Lab – A Trip Down the Digital Rabbit Hole” at the Nuremberg State Theatre. The awards ceremony will take place on 26th November 2022 in Düsseldorf’s Schauspielhaus.

This season the P.A.N.s Lab online drama series is being continued as a hybrid theatre project with the title “Mythos P.A.N.” in the 3. Etage performance space. The premiere is scheduled for Saturday, 17th June 2023.

“Bestätigung” and “mö” invited to 38th Bayerische Theatertage 2022

Chris Thorpe’s one-man play “Bestätigung” (dir.: Antje Thoms) premiered in the Kammerspiele venue at Nuremberg’s Schauspielhaus on 5th November 2021. “mö”, a live online performance by the punktlive collective, aired for the first time on 11th December 2021 at the Nuremberg State Theatre. The Nuremberg State Theatre Schauspielhaus has now been invited to present both productions at the 38th Bayerische Theatertage festival in Bamberg. After viewing a longlist of more than 100 works, a panel of experts has selected over 25 outstanding productions for Bavaria’s largest theatre festival.

“Die Tonight, Live Forever or The Nosferatu Principle” invited to 39th Heidelberger Stückemarkt

Michael Königstein’s production of Sivan Ben Yishai’s “Die Tonight, Live Forever or The Nosferatu Principle”, which had its premiere on 8th October 2021 in the Kammerspiele of Nuremberg’s Schauspielhaus, has been nominated for the Nachspielpreis at the 39th Heidelberger Stückemarkt festival. This long-established festival for contemporary German-language drama was held from 29th April to 8th May 2002. “Die Tonight, Live Forever or The Nosferatu Principle” was staged on 5th May as part of the Heidelberger Stückemarkt.

Andromahi Raptis awarded Bayerischer Kunstförderpreis 2021

Soprano Andromahi Raptis, a member of the Staatstheater Nürnberg Opera Ensemble since 2018, was among the recipients of a 2021 Bavarian Award for the Advancement of the Arts in the “Performing Arts” category. Arts Minister Bernd Sibler presented the singer and 16 other artists and teams with their awards in an online ceremony, which was streamed on 2nd December at 07.00 pm. Andromahi Raptis most recently appeared at the Staatstheater Nürnberg singing the roles of Sophie Scholl in Udo Zimmermann’s chamber opera “Weiße Rose” and Julia in “Der Vetter aus Dingsda”.

3rd place for Julia Grüter at the ARD Music Competition

The 70th ARD International Music Competition, focusing on Violin, Voice, French Horn and Piano Duo, took place in Munich from 2nd – 17th September. Hosted since 1952 by Bayerischer Rundfunk on behalf of Germany’s regional public broadcasting organisations, the ARD Music Competition, whose annually changing focus covers 21 instruments/fields, is considered one of the most important international competitions for classical music. Our Ensemble member Julia Grüter took 3rd place in the Voice category. At the Staatstheater Nürnberg she was most recently to be seen and heard singing Micaela in “Carmen” and Irene in “Bajazet (Il Tamerlano)”.

BR-Klassik-Operetten-Frosch for ‘Märchen im Grand-Hotel’

Paul Abraham’s production of “Märchen im Grand-Hotel”, directed by Otto Pichler and conducted by Lutz de Veer (premiere: 11.06.2021), was, on Sunday 13.06.2021, awarded the “BR-Klassik-Operetten-Frosch” by the team of “Operetten-Boulevard” radio programme. The operetta was praised for its “courage” and rousing choreographies. “Special mentions go to Maria Danaé Bansen as Marylou and Jörn-Felix Alt as Albert. The Nuremberg State Philharmonic Orchestra delivered a convincing performance that caught the Abraham swing perfectly.” Andromahi Raptis, who gave a particularly “moving” rendition of the Infanta Isabella, was described as having given “a beautifully melodramatic and vocally assured interpretation of the title song” (Operetten-Boulevard, BR-Klassik).

Boris Nikitin’s “Season 1. 20 Years of Big Brother (world premiere)” invited to 38th Heidelberg Stückemarkt festival

The Staatstheater Nürnberg has been invited to present Boris Nikitin’s play “Season 1: 20 Years of Big Brother”, which premiered in the Nuremberg Schauspielhaus on September 19, 2020, at the 38th edition of the Heidelberger Stückemarkt. The old and highly-regarded festival for German-language works of drama will be held from April 30 to May 9 2021 and take place for the first time solely in the digital medium. “Season 1” will be streamed live from the Schauspielhaus on May 3 and be followed by an online analysis. The Stückemarkt, which is organised by the Heidelberg Theatre and Orchestra, features selected guest performances of current, German-language, premiered works, runs major competitions for new authors and hosts panel/audience discussions. Each year the theatre of a themed country is explored and more awards are conferred.

On 03.05.2021 the 38th Heildelberger Stückemarkt will include a livestream of: Season 1: 20 Years of Big Brother (world premiere)

“Season 1: 20 Years of Big Brother (world premiere)” invited to 46th Mülheimer Theatertage festival.

Boris Nikitin’s staging of his play “Season 1: 20 Years of Big Brother (world premiere)”, which had its premiere on September 19 at the Nuremberg Schauspielhaus, has been invited to the 46th edition of the Mülheimer Theatertage festival. The highly respected Mülheim “Stücke” festival will take place from May 8-29 2021 and is one of the most important forums for present-day German-language drama. An independent committee nominates approx. eight plays from the current season, to be performed in their most compelling version, usually the one presented at the world premiere. A jury made up of critics and theatre professionals awards the Mülheimer Dramatikerpreis to the best playwright.

On 18.05.2021 the Mülheimer “Stücke” festival features Season 1: 20 Years of Big Brother (world premiere) online.

Sofie Vervaecke voted “Dancer of the Year”

In the 2019/20 survey conducted by tanz magazine critics voted Sofie Vervaecke of the Ballet section of the Nuremberg State Theatre “Dancer of the Year”. In the words of critic Vesna Mlakar (Abendzeitung München): “It takes one’s breath away to see her demonstrate in Goyo Montero’s preternaturally brutal “Sacre” that a person can play the role of a victim with such deliberation.” (tanz, 2020 almanac).

Sofie Vervaecke, a permanent member of the company since the 2017/18 season, can currently be seen in the first-ever ballet film produced by the Nuremberg State Theatre: ballet film ABOUT THE WOLF

Florian Steinmann voted “Hero of the Stage 2020”

In the first year of the award’s existence, Florian Steinmann, Technical Manager for Drama, has been voted “Hero of the Year” by the Alliance for the Performing Arts. In the words of the tribute Steinmann is “a shining example of what is an indispensable species of stage hero, the technical managers, who are enablers in the best sense of the word. They combine a passion for art, unconventional paths, mad ideas, common quest and non-hierarchical collaboration. Finding solutions where least expected – through a pooling of the talents of the entire team.”

The award, which recognises excellence in six categories of endeavour, was presented to figures from the world of politics, administration and civil society who have shown outstanding solidarity, energy and commitment. The awards ceremony, emceed by the Henrike Iglesias performance collective, took place on December 6 as a livestreamed Zoom event.

Link to video:ühnenheld-innen-preisverleihung-live
More information:

Special award for General Music Director Joana Mallwitz from Bavarian Ministry of Arts and Culture

This year’s special award linked to the Kulturpreis Bayern goes to Joana Mallwitz, General Music Director at the Nuremberg State Theatre. Minister for the Arts Bernd Sibler (CSU) described her as “an inspired and inspiring musician and also a gifted facilitator, mediator and manager in the field of music generally”. She was a beacon for the new generation of orchestra conductors, “a generation that is fully cognizant of the opportunities awaiting ‘high culture’ outside the comfort zones of classical genres.” The baton work of the 34-year-old never fails to impress – on the international stage as well as in Nuremberg. The Kulturpreis Bayern recognises outstanding achievements by artists, culture professionals and young academics. This year’s awards went to five artists and 33 graduates and postgraduates of Bavarian schools of art, universities and institutes of applied sciences.

The awards ceremony will take place on November 12, 2020, (19.00) in a livestream open to the public.
Link to event:

Sofie Vervaecke awarded Bayerischer Kunstförderpreis in Dance category.

Sofie Vervaecke, since 2015/16 guest dancer of the Nuremberg Ballet Company and since 2017/18 a permanent member, was awarded the 2020 Bavarian Arts Grant in the Dance category. The award was presented by Bernd Sibler, Bavarian Minister for the Arts. In the words of the jury: “Sofie Vervaecke is always focused on her craft, combining faultless technique, a musical gift and versatility as an actor. Her astonishing athleticism and stamina allow her to push her body to the limit while retaining her elegance and flow.”

Among other engagements in the 2020/21 season Vervaecke was cast by Goyo Montero as a soloist in Sergei Prokofiev’s “Peter and the Wolf”/A dance piece “About the Wolf” (world premiere).

“I love you, Turkey!” invited to “Radikal Jung” festival

Selen Kara’s world premiere in German of “I love you, Turkey!” by Ceren Ercan, which had its premiere on October 5 2019 at the Nuremberg State Theatre, has been invited to feature at the 16th “Radikal Jung” festival to be held this year from April 25 to May 3. The festival aims to promote the new generation of theatre makers, provide a platform for the themes and aesthetics that they wish to explore, and present to industry and audiences alike the perspectives of tomorrow’s theatre landscape.

Due to ongoing uncertainty and safety issues relating to Covid-19 the “Radikal Jung” festival has been cancelled.

Jan Philipp Gloger’s production of “Am Rand (Ein Protokoll)” invited to feature at Heidelberg Stückemarkt festival

Jan Philipp Gloger’s staging of “Am Rand (Ein Protokoll)” at the Nuremberg State Theatre (premiere: 09.03.2019) was invited to this year’s Heidelberg Stückemarkt. Philipp Löhle’s play will be performed at 20.30 on April 26 2020 in the Marguerre Hall as part of the 10-day festival. Scheduled to be held this year from April 24 to May 3, the festival has been showcasing avant-garde drama since 1984. It hosts readings of new material and airs guest performances of recently premiered cutting-edge, German-language works.

Due to ongoing uncertainty and safety issues relating to Covid-19 the Heidelberg Stückemarkt festival has been cancelled.

“I love you, Turkey!” and “Kaspar” invited to Bayerische Theatertage

Selen Kara’s premiere in German of “I love you, Turkey!” by Ceren Ercan (premiere: 5.10.2019) and Jan Philipp Gloger’s new production of Peter Handke’s “Kaspar” (premiere: 30.11.2019) at the Nuremberg State Theatre will both be performed at the 37th Bayerische Theatertage festival, which takes place this year in Memmingen from May 20-31 and has the theme “We can also do things differently!”. The host venue is the Landestheater Schwaben. In 2020 the festival will be following a new, curated format, with independent curators bringing to Memmingen the most exciting and novel Bavarian productions of the 2018/19 and 2019/20 seasons.

Due to ongoing uncertainty and safety issues relating to Covid-19 the Bayerische Theatertage festival has been cancelled.

In-house director Anne Lenk invited to Berliner Theatertreffen

Anne Lenk, in-house director at the Nuremberg State Theatre since 2018, has been invited to present her Deutsches Theater Berlin production of Molière’s “Le Misanthrope” (premiere: 29.3.2019) at the Berliner Theatertreffen, securing her version of “Misanthrope” a place among “the ten most remarkable productions” of the last year – one of the highest accolades in the German-language theatre landscape. A total of 432 productions were viewed in 56 towns and cities across the German-speaking area. Jurors saw between 87 and 120 plays apiece and 744 votes were submitted to the Theatertreffen, with 35 productions longlisted for consideration.

Due to ongoing uncertainty and safety issues relating to Covid-19 the Berlin Theatertreffen festival has been cancelled.

Alexsandro Akapohi voted “Dancer of the Year”

In the 2019/20 survey conducted by tanz magazine Dorion Weickmann (dance columnist for the Süddeutsche Zeitung) singled out Alexsandro Akapohi as “Dancer of the Year”. Akapohi, whose spell as a member of the ballet company of the Nuremberg State Theatre ended at the end of the 2019/20 season, earned the title for his part as Petrushka in Douglas Lee’s choreography of the same name.


The almanac of “Opernwelt” magazine describes Joana Mallwitz as having achieved the tricky feat of “wowing musicians, audiences and critics in a very short space of time with her productions of Prokofiev’s rarely performed Tolstoy opera “War and Peace” and Wagner’s “Lohengrin””. In the survey of critics conducted by the magazine the General Music Director of the Nuremberg State Theatre was lauded as “an inquisitive, motivating artist who never compromises on quality. (...) She is a passionate believer in an esprit de corps, valuing gentle, slow-burning development over quick success”. (Opernwelt Jahrbuch 2019)


On September 21 2019 in the Konzerthaus Berlin Joana Mallwitz was presented with the OPER! AWARD as “Best Director”. For the first time in the history of the awards gala, OPER! Magazine bestowed prizes on the best international figures on the stage and behind the scenes in a total of 20 categories. Prize winners are selected by a jury of eight prominent opera journalists. At the gala on Saturday evening the OPER! AWARD for “Best Director” was accepted on Joana Mallwitz’s behalf by Jens-Daniel Herzog, Artistic Director and director of opera at the Nuremberg State Theatre.

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