Staatstheater Nürnberg
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JuStaPhil c Jutta Missbach

Junge Staatsphilharmonie

Who make up the Junge Staatsphilharmonie?

The Junge Staatsphilharmonie is the youth orchestra of the Staatstheater Nürnberg. Youngsters aged 14 – 16 from across the metropolitan region meet up throughout the season for rehearsals in the Staatstheater.

In between attending rehearsals and concerts, they are working with the Staatsphilharmonie on various concerts. The Junge Staatsphilharmonie is closely involved with a music teacher and is being supported and monitored by orchestra sponsors of the Staatsphilharmonie Nürnberg. Together the assorted groups form a cohesive unit.

Who can get involved?

The Junge Staatsphilharmonie is open to teenagers between the ages of 14 and 19 who can play an orchestra instrument and have been studying music for some time. Younger entrants with particular aptitude may also be considered.

Auditioning before members of the Staatsphilharmonie is a condition of acceptance. Harpists, winds and strings are asked to play two pieces of music from different periods (total duration: 8-10 mins). Percussionists should demonstrate their skills on three different instruments (mallets, kettle drum, snare drum).

Creation and objectives

With the Junge Staatsphilharmonie – an initiative of Joana Mallwitz in collaboration with the Theaterpädagogik PLUS department – the Staatstheater Nürnberg continues to promote the development of young musicians.

Joana Mallwitz: “Setting up a brand-new youth orchestra for the Staatstheater was our response to an extended period in which youngsters, at an important stage in their development, were deprived of art and culture. The members of the Junge Staatsphilharmonie are an integral part of the Staatstheater Nürnberg and will work closely with the musicians of the Staatsphilharmonie proper. They will sit in on rehearsals and performances, witness the working processes of stage performers and orchestra members and over a period of months come to consider our theatre as their musical home from home.”

The debut performance of the Junge Staatsphilharmonie doubled as the opening concert marking the centenary of the Staatsphilharmonie Nürnberg in October 2022, with Joana Mallwitz at the rostrum. The Junge Staatsphilharmonie has already established a wide repertoire of symphonic works that include Modest Mussorgsky’s “Pictures at an Exhibition”. During the 2022/23 season it partnered up with the Staatsphilharmonie Nürnberg to present the 2023 Klassik Open Air festival. In 2024 the young musicians will give their own concert in the opera house.

Registration; contact

The auditions for the current season took place in December 2023.

Head of project Irina Roosz will accept registrations again in autumn 2024 (Registration form). For further information, please contact: jungestaatsphilharmonie(at)

The promotion of young musical talent from the metropolitan region is the shared objective of the Staatstheater Nürnberg and its premium partner NÜRNBERGER VERSICHERUNG. Through its generous and strategic programme of assistance, NÜRNBERGER VERSICHERUNG hopes to help establish the Junge Staatsphilharmonie as a long-term cornerstone of support for up-and-coming musicians at the Staatstheater Nürnberg.

Photo © Jutta Missbach

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